Physiotherapist In Karachi

Physiotherapist In Karachi

Physiotherapist in karachi

Tabrez Ortho center is located in Karachi. It is a full-service clinic with an emergency facility as well as a sports center and various other healthcare facilities for treatment. This Clinic has the best physiotherapist in Karachi and is fully equipped with modern equipment to provide medical services such as blood pressure medication, ECG, heart monitoring, diabetes management, chest x-ray, etc., providing you with a comfortable experience during your consultation. Our professional team of doctors will be happy to assist you to get any medical services that may suit you. The entire range of this Center is specially designed keeping all patients’ needs into consideration.

Services offered

We offer comprehensive services of physiotherapy, fitness, acupuncture, massage, occupational therapy, and speech therapy.


Physiotherapy is a branch of rehabilitation that tries to help a person regain their mobility and flexibility so they can live active lives after a serious injury or illness. Physiotherapists treat patients using specialized equipment that provides deep relaxation to reduce fatigue, and muscle tension and help relax muscles. They also focus on improving coordination, balance and the ability to move freely. These methods help build muscles and increase endurance and flexibility which makes it easier to perform tasks and even run. Physiotherapy helps restore lost mobility as well as increase energy. Also, these interventions encourage active participation in daily activities and activities. To know more about the therapies provided by our physician call  

Injury Rehabilitation

Injured people require physiotherapy services to get back into their normal life. A variety of options are available including surgery, prosthetic devices, crutches, wheelchairs, etc. So, our injured persons can work out from home without worrying about going to the office.

Fitness & Weight Management

We have experts who are qualified in Fitness and Bodybuilding. We know how crucial the right diet is for weight loss. However, there are too many patients who are suffering from obesity and can gain unwanted weight due to poor nutritional knowledge. Therefore, our professionals will create a personalized plan for every client based on their lifestyle, past medical history, age, and gender. which will make your body fit and good-looking.

Spinal Cord Rehabilitation

Most common injuries of a spinal cord include lumbar strain (chronic low-neck pain), postural stress fracture (overuse of computer mouse and keyboard for over 8 hours, long time spent at desk, sitting behind a desk) neck trauma, cord compression due to a fall, traumas resulting from an accident, etc. At Tabrez Ortho Center, spine disorders such as lumbar disc stenosis and scoliosis can be treated by our experienced Spinal Cord Experts. Call: +92-300-0341030. Or visit their offices near you to find the closest location where you can get a complete assessment of all services to become fit like our therapists or physiotherapists.

About Us:

Tabrez Ortho Center is one of the largest private hospitals with expert physiotherapists in Karachi providing customized orthopaedic treatments. We have expert coaches & consultants who are highly skilled in providing top-level orthopedic care to all patients regardless of age, sex, and socioeconomic status, but we cater to individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Our mission is to serve people by offering high-quality medical services to get the best solution to their problems. Being one of the most trusted clinics around, we strive to maintain excellent patient satisfaction and offer world-class rehabilitation for all patients. Contact us today and let’s start another amazing journey together. We look forward to serving you.